Registered members can send you invitations to Tresorit in three different cases:
Adding you as a member to a tresor
Tresors are secure, encrypted folders in the cloud. If someone sends you a link to collaborate on their tresor, you must register an account to be able to edit and add new files safely. Sign up and accept the tresor invitation so that you will be able to view all shared files and folders in your application.
After you log in to your account, Tresorit will ensure that all files and the connection to your inviter is secure.
Sending you files and folders
You can view and download content sent through links without having to register and create a Tresorit account. Open the link in your browser to download files and folders. If the link is password protected, you will have to enter the right password to gain access.
Inviting you to a team subscription
Admins can invite new members to team subscriptions. Follow the link in the email to create an account, then download and install Tresorit on your desktop and mobile devices.
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