When you are a member of a tresor, you can export its activity in a csv file. The activity report will contain useful information about changes made by you or other users. This information is only available for the tresor’s members.
📝 Note: This feature is only available on Tresorit desktop apps.
How to export the activity
Right-click the tresor, then select Activity. Click the three dots at the top, then click Export history.
What do the fields mean?
The fields are ordered by the feature group they belong to: file, permission, encrypted link, invitation link, and live link. You may have noticed by now that most of the fields are empty — depending on the event type, only the affected fields will contain information.
📝 For example: When you move a folder, the invitation link fields will be empty because these were not affected by the event.
Fields with general information
The first six fields contain general information about the event to help you identify the nature of the modifications and the tresor member who performed the action.
The date of the event. This is the time when the server received and registered the change.
modifierFirstname, modifierLastName, modifierUserEmail
Details about the tresor member, who made the modifications. These columns may contain an unknown value — this happens if a user account was deleted by the time you exported the report. The identity of the modifier may also be anonymous if they download content using a share link.
There are five different feature groups in Tresorit: file, permission, encrypted link, invitation link, and live link. This column defines which group the event belongs to.
Action types are the subcategories of the different feature groups e.g. FileUpdate, LiveLinkDownload, PermissionInvite.
- File
- Permission
- Encrypted link
- Invitation link
- Live link
Each file inside the tresor has a unique identifier which is randomly generated by Tresorit. This ID is unknown if the file was permanently deleted from the tresor previously.
The ID changes when you move, copy or rename a file. This field contains the original file’s identifier.
The affected file's path inside the tresor.
When you move, copy or rename a file, this field will contain the path to its original location in the cloud. This information is not available for deleted files.
The affected file's new version number. The version number increases with each file operation (upload, modify, delete, etc.) that affects the file.
The file's original version.
The affected user's first name, missing in case of invitation and already deleted users.
The affected user's last name, missing in case of invitation and already deleted users.
The affected user's email address.
The affected user's permission before the event.
The affected user's permission after the event.
The affected user's state in the tresor before the event.
The affected user's state in the tresor after the event.
This feature was replaced by share links in 2017, however the previously created encrypted links are still visible in this report.
linkID — Encrypted link
The encrypted link's unique identifier. This is a randomly generated ID for each link in a tresor. This feature was replaced by share links in 2017, however the previously created encrypted links are still visible in this report.
📝 Note: There are three linkID fields in the activity report — make sure you don’t confuse them.
subjectFileId — Encrypted link
The unique identifier of the tresor, file or folder that were shared with the encrypted link.
subjectFilePath — Encrypted link
The path to the file or folder that were shared with the encrypted link. If the link points to a tresor, the field will be empty.
subjectFileVersion — Encrypted link
The version of the file, folder or tresor shared with the encrypted link.
fromDownloadLimit — Encrypted link
The encrypted link's download limit before the event.
toDownloadLimit — Encrypted link
The encrypted link's download limit after the event.
fromHasExpirationTime — Encrypted link
TRUE: The link had an expiry date before the event took place.
FALSE: The link didn’t have an expiry date before the event took place.
toHasExpirationTime — Encrypted link
TRUE: The link had an expiry date after the event took place.
FALSE: The link didn’t have an expiry date after the event took place.
fromExpirationTime — Encrypted link
The link's expiry date before the event, 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z if not set.
toExpirationTime — Encrypted link
The link's expiry date after the event, 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z if not set.
linkID — Invitation link
An invitation link is generated each time you invite someone to a tresor who doesn’t have a Tresorit account yet. This field contains the link’s randomly generated ID.
📝 Note: There are three linkID fields in the activity report — make sure you don’t confuse them.
fromInvitationLimit — Invitation link
The open limit number of the invitation link before the event.
toInvitationLimit — Invitation link
The open limit number of the invitation link before the event.
fromConstraints — Invitation link
The user’s email and permission level before the event took place.
toConstraints — Invitation link
The user’s email and permission level after the event took place.
fromExpirationTime — Invitation link
The link's expiry date before the event.
toExpirationTime — Invitation link
The link's expiry date after the change.
linkId — Share link
Links used to share content are identified with their randomly generated ID.
📝 Note: There are three linkID fields in the activity report — make sure you don’t confuse them.
subjectFileId — Share link
The unique identifier of the tresor, file or folder that were shared with the link.
subjectFilePath — Share link
The path to the tresor, file or folder that were shared with the link.
subjectFilePathType — Share link
Directory: The shared item is a folder or a tresor.
File: The shared item is a file.
fromHasOpenLimit — Share link
TRUE: The link had an open limit before the event.
FALSE: The link didn’t have an open limit before the event.
toHasOpenLimit — Share link
TRUE: The link has an open limit after the event.
FALSE: The link didn’t have an open limit after the event.
fromOpenLimit — Share link
The link's open limit before the event. This field will contain a 0 if the link didn’t have an open limit.
toOpenLimit — Share link
The link's open limit after the event. This field will contain a 0 if the link doesn’t have an open limit.
fromHasExpirationTime — Share link
TRUE: The link had an expiry date before the event took place.
FALSE: The link didn’t have an expiry date before the event took place.
toHasExpirationTime — Share link
TRUE: The link had an expiry date after the event took place. FALSE: The link didn’t have an expiry date after the event took place.
fromExpirationTime — Share link
The link's expiry date before the event, 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z if not set.
toExpirationTime — Share link
The link's expiry date after the event, 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z if not set.
hasPasswordChanged — Share link
TRUE: The link password was changed (set, modified or deleted) during the event.
FALSE: The link password didn’t change during the event.
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