Tresorit Drive is automatically mapped to the T: drive on your computer. There may be some cases however where you would like to change this and map the Tresorit Drive to drive U: for example. Here you can see how you can achieve this replacement:
- Open the Tresorit app and click on your name in the bottom-left corner and select „Application settings” and then under „Advanced” disable the Tresorit Drive.
- Exit Tresorit completely (make sure it is not running in the background at all)
- Open the File Explorer
- In the location input field, copy the following %localappdata%/Tresorit/v0.8/Profiles/ (it is a hidden folder, the Show hidden files and folders option needs to be enabled)
- Open the globalData.xml with a text editor
- Edit the following line from <LastDriveLetter>T</LastDriveLetter> to <LastDriveLetter>U</LastDriveLetter>
- Save the changes and close the file
- Delete the globalData.xml.bak file,
- Start Tresorit again
- Click on your name in the bottom-left corner and go to „Application settings/Advanced” and enable Tresorit Drive
This should remap the Tresorit Drive to the U: drive instead of the T: drive.