To provide you with the highest security standards, we must constantly update and improve our product. We do not provide support for older versions, and they may stop working at some point. Be sure to keep your apps up to date!
3.5.2303.4450 - 05/02/2025
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
3.5.2300.4440 - 03/02/2025
- You can now create cooperative links in the iOS client.
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
3.5.2229.4370 - 29/10/2024
- Fixed Files app integration on iOS 18
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
Minimum supported version: 3.5.2069.4190 (17/10/2024)
3.5.2201.4340 - 26/09/2024
- Fix displaying subfolders when its name starts with ~
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
3.5.2182.4340 - 06/09/2024
- Fixed broken files after move/copy/rename with live link
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
3.5.2101.4230 - 16/05/2024
- eSign improvements
- Fix deleting half uploaded files
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
3.5.2069.4190 - 08/04/2024
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
Minimum supported version: 3.5.2003.4070 (06/03/2024)
3.5.2036.4110 - 14/02/2024
- Live link settings support for previewable videos and video watermarks. (Enabling watermark is still not supported, but modifying existing links with watermark is.)
- Activity wall subfolder sharing events - including invitation link events - now display the name of the shared subfolder.
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
Minimum supported version: 3.5.1966.4010 (31/01/2024)
3.5.2003.4070 - 11/01/2024
- Live link creation speed-up in next-gen folders
- The client no longer creates trash directories when creating live links
- Metrics to measure live link creation performance
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
3.5.1977.4020 - 11/12/2023
- Fixed audio file replay on iOS 17
- Fixed main tab bar and navigation layout on iOS 17 and newer devices
- Fixed displaying a folder creation error alert
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
3.5.1966.4010 - 24/11/2023
- Invitation link support in next-gen folders
- New devices (iPhone 15 series) are registered with correct name
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
3.5.1944.3930 - 12/10/2023
- Fixed moving files with live link in next-gen folders
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
3.5.1935.3900 - 02/10/2023
- Simplified folder creation flow
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
Minimum supported version: 3.5.1882.3770 (01/09/2023)
3.5.1911.3850 - 30/08/2023
- New feature: File requests for next-gen folders
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
3.5.1895.3810 - 09/08/2023
- Do not force authentication on SSO login by default
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
3.5.1882.3770 - 25/07/2023
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
3.5.1863.3720 - 28/06/2023
- Subfolder live link auto-suspend
- Support opening folder links in next-gen folders
- Fixed temporary file cleanup when uploading photos and videos
- Fixed crash when search field was used in app extension
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
3.5.1845.3680 - 02/06/2023
- Added error screen when the platform is unsupported by plan
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
3.5.1839.3650 - 26/05/2023
- New feature: Live links for next-gen folders
- File versions are visible on next-gen folders
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
Minimum supported version: 3.5.1793.3550 (10/05/2023)
3.5.1806.3580 - 06/04/2023
- eSign flow improvements
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
3.5.1793.3550 - 29/03/2023
- Folder takeover
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
3.5.1769.3460 - 02/03/2023
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
3.5.1741.3420 - 18/01/2023
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
3.5.1700.3330 - 23/11/2022
- Allow exporting logs in case of network error during login
3.5.1692.3320 - 11/11/2022
- Built with iOS 16 SDK
- Tresorit Path support for next-gen folders
- Tresorit Path can be copied in not-shared folders as well
- Fixed a crash that could happen on app launch in case of a keychain error
- OpenSSL security fix
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
3.5.1651.3270 - 03/10/2022
- Handle opening eSign requests
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
3.5.1624.3230 - 12/09/2022
- Create Classic folder from Files integration (previously next-gen folder was default)
- Various bugfixes and performance improvements
3.5.1610.3220 - 11/08/2022
- Various bugfixes and performance improvements
3.5.1596.3220 - 22/07/2022
- Added the option to initiate account deletion from the Settings tab
- Various bugfixes and performance improvements
3.5.1574.3080 - 22/06/2022
- Open in was added to multi-select
- We now use the default video and audio player, mute and AirPlay buttons are available.
- Improvements to Files integration
3.5.1555.3040 - 01/06/2022
- Subfolder sharing related fixes
3.5.1551.3020 - 26/05/2022
- Fixed issue where only one subfolder of the same Tresor was displayed in Files
3.5.1548.3020 - 23/05/2022
- Subfolder sharing related fixes
3.5.1533.2910 - 05/05/2022
- New feature: Next-gen folders
3.5.1518.2840 - 28/04/2022
- Save to Tresorit is now working again in Photos
- Various smaller bugfixes
3.5.1518.2840 - 21/04/2022
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
3.5.1502.2810 - 12/04/2022
- Bugfixes and UI improvements
3.5.1449.2570 - 14/02/2022
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
Minimum OS requirement iOS 12.2 (14/02/2022)
Minimum supported version: 3.5.1388.2200 (10/12/2021)
3.5.1384.2160 - 13/10/2021
- Fixed some actions not working in Files integration on iOS 15
- Enabled higher memory limit on iOS 15 (only has effect on devices with at least 4GB RAM), which significantly improves Files integration performance and stability.
Minimum supported version: 3.5.1359.1930 (25/08/2021)
3.5.1359.1930 - 09/06/2021
- Email verification whitelist support
- Tresor sharing policy support
Minimum OS requirement iOS 11.0 (09/06/2021)
3.5.1320.1550 - 10/03/2021
- We've improved the speed of file browsing
3.5.1317.1480 - 12/02/2021
- We've reduced the size of the app
Minimum supported version: 3.5.1295.1340 (11/01/2021)
3.5.1305.1410 - 06/01/2021
- New feature: File requests
- From now on, you can search in your PDF files if you’re using iOS 11 or newer versions
- For iOS 14.2 users, picture-in-picture is supported
- Bugfixes and other improvements
3.5.1295.1340 - 27/11/2020
- New feature: Annotations (supported on iOS 13+)
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
3.5.1287.1270 - 09/11/2020
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
Minimum supported version: 3.5.1280.1180 (30/10/2020)
3.5.1281.1181 - 08/10/2020
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
3.5.1280.1180 - 01/10/2020
- New feature: Moving files and folders between Tresors
3.5.1275.1150 - 16/09/2020
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
3.5.1266.1091 - 27/08/2020
- Network usage improvements
3.5.1262.1090 - 17/08/2020
- We made it easier to log in with Keychain
- Improved the speed of the app
Minimum supported version: 3.5.1226.1024 (11/08/2020)
3.5.1226.1024 - 17/06/2020
- New Data Residency Options: Brazil, the Netherlands, Singapore, and UAE
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
3.5.1185.1007 - 16/04/2020
- Fixed an issue with opening files
3.5.1175.1002 - 02/04/2020
- From now on, depending on the file format, we will show thumbnails for files marked offline.
- Bugfixes and background improvements
3.5.1154.988 - 10/03/2020
- Bugfixes and background improvements
3.5.1147.985 - 26/02/2020
- Bugfixes and background improvements
3.5.1141.980 - 14/02/2020
- Notification if there is an error in the email format during registration
- Bugfixes and improvements
3.5.1136.975 - 06/02/2020
- From now on, we will inform you if the confirmation email has not reached your inbox during the registration process.
3.5.1133.964 - 20/01/2020
- A patch release to fix an issue with opening files on some versions of iOS.
3.5.1132.964 - 15/01/2020
- New feature: Dark mode
3.5.1106.950 - 25/11/2019
- Tresorit may run for a while in the background to perform some tasks, like checking offline marked files and uploads.
- Background improvements and bugfixes
3.5.1101.943 - 25/10/2019
- You can now search in file, folder, and Tresor names.
- Improvements and bugfixes
3.5.1097.940 - 16/10/2019
- Bugfixes
3.5.1095.936 - 14/10/2019
- If you're new to Tresorit and registered on your iOS device, you can get a download link for Tresorit for Desktop via email.
- Background improvements and bugfixes
3.5.1079.924 - 15/09/2019
- New feature: Data Residency Options
- We've improved the onboarding experience
- Small tweaks and improvements
3.5.1068.916 - 09/08/2019
- If you're a new user registering to Tresorit on your iOS device, we'll ask you to take part in a short survey.
- Backend improvements
3.5.1065.916 - 07/08/2019
- If you're working on an iPad that supports split screens, you can now drag files and links from Tresorit to other apps.
- Bugfixes and background improvements
3.5.1056.906 - 15/07/2019
- New feature: Report abuse on the link download page
- New feature: Reports in the Admin Center
- Are you using an iPad that supports multitasking? View Tresorit on a split screen.
- We’re fixed several bugs and made improvements
3.5.1049.895 - 05/06/2019
- We've updated the way images are handled in the gallery view.
- Small tweaks and improvements
3.5.1047.892 - 28/05/2019
- Fixed a bug that caused the previous version to crash on some occasions.
3.5.1046.892 - 27/05/2019
- Notifications of the latest features and news directly in Tresorit
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
3.5.1039.887 - 15/05/2019
- Opening folder links is supported
- Some under-the-hood tweaks
3.5.1035.885 - 09/05/2019
- Business admins will be notified about our newest policies regarding link settings
- From now on, we’ll let you know if you’ve reached the limits of your plan
- The screen of the 2-step verification code has a fresh new look
- The document scanner has new metrics: file size and average megapixels
3.5.1013.872 - 17/01/2019
- This release is a fix: When inviting a new user to Tresorit, the pre-filled email invite appears correctly (if you have your mail account configured).
3.5.1009.872 - 01/04/2019
- We’ve fixed some issues around link sharing and made some under-the-hood improvements.
3.5.1002.863 - 04/03/2019
- We’ve made the user experience smoother when you use the document scanner.
- When signing up, it’s easier to reach our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
- We’ve made some changes to increase consistency across platforms.
3.5.983.859 - 19/02/2019
- Enhanced control: when sharing links, you can require recipients to verify themselves with a code sent in email.
- When scanning documents, the app will notify you if there’s not enough light for a good quality scan.
3.5.975.854 - 16/01/2019
- Fixed some issues and bugs to make Tresorit even more secure
3.5.969.850 - 19/12/2018
- New feature: Document scanner
- Now you can see icons in the menu on the Tresors, Offline and Links tabs.
- Need to close your image gallery really quickly? Just swipe down.
- Tresorit now supports the new iPad Pro devices.
- A healthy dose of bug fixes and under-the-hood improvements
3.5.952.832 - 26/11/2018
- We’ve simplified the process of selecting photos to upload.
- You’ll now see recent photos first by default.
- When creating file and folder links, Tresorit will remember the last settings you used.
- As always, we’ve also fixed some bugs and made some background improvements.
3.5.944.818 - 15/10/2018
- To give you a better overview, you can now see a progress of your running transfers in the transfers view.
- Tresorit will use OS language at first app launch (if available in Tresorit).
- We’ve prepared Tresorit for introducing more control to business accounts.
- You can now pause camera uploads.
- Fixed a rare crash when uploading photos to Tresorit
- We’ve fixed some bugs and made some under-the-hood improvements
Minimum OS requirement iOS 9 (15/10/2018)
3.5.931.812 - 26/09/2018
- New feature: Copy folders
- New feature: Multiple selection for files and links
- Don't forget that deleting your account is a permanent action. We added a few extra warnings to the flow.
- When deleting a Tresor, we'll warn you that the action is permanent.
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
3.5.917.793 - 08/08/2018
- You can remove all deleted items of multiple Tresors at once under the Preferences tab.
- We fixed the issue when sometimes deleted files were re-uploaded to the cloud.
3.5.909.788 - 30/07/2018
- New feature: Detailed access logs for link
- We fixed the issue when viewing files marked offline.
- Bugfixes include app copy fixes, improvements in the move feature and small stability improvements.
3.5.896.776 - 20/06/2018
- Share any file via the 'Send with Tresorit Link' extension.
- New tutorial to enable app extensions
- We've added a reminder to ensure new users save and remember their password.
- Small updates including the update of the passcode screen colors to light theme.
3.5.887.776 - 06/06/2018
- Fixed the Face ID related issue that made Tresorit crash on iPhone X.
3.5.881.776 - 31/05/2018
- Tresorit can work with files and folders that have special in their names.
- From now on, tap the + button to create folders, files and links.
- Several bugfixes
3.5.866.771 - 15/05/2018
- A small update to add DEL (0x7F) character support to Tresorit
3.5.862.766 - 04/05/2018
- Bugfixes and background improvements
3.5.860.765 - 26/04/2018
- Titles on navigation bar became a bit bigger
Duplicate action is now supported in the Files app - Bugfixes include the fix of the 'No internet connection' warning and various camera upload issues.
3.1.852.763 - 12/04/2018
- New feature: Links tab
- New feature: Other Uploads
- We fixed the issue where iCloud Keychain suggested adding your Tresorit account password when creating links.
- You can now start uploading photos and files without opening the Camera Uploads.
- We changed the workflow and offline files are no longer deleted when clearing the cache.
3.1.846.755 - 27/03/2018
- Tresorit now integrates with Files, making it easier to open and edit your documents on your iPhone or iPad.
- Fixed a crash on iOS 11.0.x and 11.1.x that happened upon opening the password field.
3.0.827.743 - 15/02/2018
- New feature: Restoring deleted files
- We've refreshed the way you can create and change your password within the iOS app.
- We will show the option to create a Tresorit Path only for shared Tresors.
- We've also restructured the settings menu of Camera Uploads.
- Bugfixes and other UI improvements
3.0.813.738 - 31/01/2018
- If you upload a file and there is another file with the same name in the same location, now you have the option to keep both or overwrite the old version.
- When you take a photo directly in Tresorit and rotate the phone the app's UI will follow seamlessly.
- Bug, crash and other small fixes, including memory optimization, cache management improvements and error management fixes.
3.0.804.732 - 18/01/2018
- New feature: Rename and move folders
- We've made a mistake and the default expiration of the links wasn't set. Now things are back on track and unless you specify something else, links will expire after 30 days.
- Music played by the Tresorit for iOS app will continue playing when the device is locked.
- You'll now see an error message when you try to open a Tresorit Path to a file or folder that does not exist.
- We've added passcode setup prompt if you don't have passcode in Tresorit yet.
- Number of improvements and bugfixes, including a fix of the camera upload bug that froze the app during the management of live photos.
3.0.789.714 - 09/12/2017
Meet the new Tresorit identity! New visuals better symbolize our core values, security, and ease of use.
- New identity elements added to the registration, sign-in and 2-step verification screens
- Updated icons in the Tresor list details bar
- Improved the offline experience by indicating file downloaded and offline availability with badges on files
- iPhone X compatibility
- Fixes include changes in the file upload management
3.0.757.700 - 30/10/2017
- We've made file management easier
- Added the option to keep the original files when uploading photos and videos on iOS 11.
- Tresorit folders got a fresher look
- You can scroll to the folder when creating a new one
- We've added a few handy notifications, to make the process of editing links, marking or unmarking files for offline access more transparent.
- Minor improvements and bugfixes
3.0.750.687 - 04/10/2017
- The list of offline files will be updated when the previously marked offline access has been deleted
- The handling of invitation links has been improved
- We've fixed a few bugs and added support for live photos where the image has HEIC extension
3.0.748.682 - 28/09/2017
- The flow of saving multiple photos from the Photos app using the Save to Tresorit feature is fixed.
- In some rare case there were files that could not be opened, but thanks to the update, the issues should not happen again.
- Besides improving the stability tracking of the app, we are discontinuing the support the old format of encrypted links.
3.0.743.677 - 15/09/2017
- A patch release with important background updates
3.0.741.672 - 09/09/2017
- Minor improvements and bugfixes
3.0.736.670 - 04/09/2017
- Requesting location access for background camera upload has been updated for iOS 11 compatibility.
- Tresorit now plays music and video sound even when the device is in silent mode.
- Bugfixes include a few crash fixes for the 'Save to Tresorit' extension
3.0.728.660 - 27/08/2017
- Sketch files will have their own icon
- Workflow improvements and bugfixes
3.0.728.660 - 22/08/2017
- Fixed a bug that prevented automatic login when there is more than one account in Keychain.
- We also added minor improvements, such as path resolution for moved and renamed files.
3.0.725.658 - 11/08/2017
- Tresorit updates the Tresor list when the app comes to the foreground.
- We're working to make our apps more secure. Instead of unlinking the device upon logout, we will move to a wipe logic.
- We've added more reliable error notifications for upload processes, and passcode Keychain errors.
- You will only receive one notification if you upload more than one file via camera upload.
- Bugfixes include fixes for camera upload issues
3.0.717.650 - 16/07/2017
- Tresorit for iOS downloads directories with new sync logic when opening bundle formats
- Added metrics to background camera upload
- File versions are available for files that have previously been moved or renamed
- We are introducing new icons for files and a confirmation email wizard
- Error message and troubleshooting improvements include error handling for DatabaseCorrupt errors
- Other minor UI improvements
3.0.709.635 - 12/06/2017
- New feature: Tresorit Path
- We added a usability test to experiment with renaming features
- Fixed the bug that made file uploads to Tresorit from an iOS Safari browser not reliable
3.0.702.629 - 31/05/2017
- A patch release which includes important fixes
3.0.700.620 - 26/04/2017
- Introducing notifications that confirm whether the last action you took was successful or not in the Tresorit app
- Fixed some bugs that affected the process of creating new text files
3.0.698.617 - 20/04/2017
- A patch release to solve APFS (Apple file system) compatibility issues on iOS 10.3+
3.0.696.614 - 18/04/2017
- The menu items of the Tresor list have been restructured
- Fixed rare crashes of cloud browser and text file creation via iOS app
- From now on, image thumbnails will be analyzed during file upload
- Other bugfixes include corrections to error message handling
3.0.684.602 - 17/03/2017
- A message will appear on the sharing screen if you are not allowed to share the Tresor.
- Added an option to share a link if you want to invite others who don't have a Tresorit account, and there is no email account available on the iOS device.
3.0.676.595 - 09/03/2017
- Open Pages, Numbers and Keynote bundles from Tresorit for iPad or iPhone apps
- Save Live Photos directly to your Photos library by tapping 'Open in'.
- We increased the width of the cloud browser on Tresorit for iPad. This way if you turn your iPad into landscape mode longer file names will be (fully) displayed.
3.0.672.586 - 24/02/2017
- An important update to decrease CPU and memory usage
- The option to create Links on the Activity wall has been disabled
- Bug and crash fixes
3.0.667.581 - 12/02/2017
- Introducing the details of the new sharing process
- We've changed the extension settings so that photos will be uploaded upon the next launch of the Tresorit app
- Logging image date is fixed
- Tons of background improvements
3.0.659.573 - 30/01/2017
- New policy management options for business accounts
- Localized date and time formats to better support German, Spanish, and French speakers
- Bugfixes include file provider issues and camera upload troubles
3.0.647.566 - 07/01/2017
- Among the many sync improvements, memory-mapped I/O to SQLite has been disabled, which may fix rare iOS crashes.
3.0.645.559 - 21/12/2016
- Performance improvements
3.0.635.545 - 22/11/2016
- If you take a photo for the first time via Tresorit, and the app requests access to your camera, the process should not crash upon the request anymore.
- If for some reason uploading the photos fails the upload process won't be persistent.
- We also improved the stability of the app launch in cases when Tresorit detects photos that are not yet uploaded to the cloud.
3.0.633.537 - 16/11/2016
- Fixed the encrypted link downloader view for DOC, XLS, PDF, etc. files that are presented with the preview controller
- Fixed unexpected null pointer when getting sync rules for not yet loaded Tresors
- Fixed sync rule settings when sync policy is active
3.0.626.526 - 13/10/2016
- Mark any Tresor available for offline access via the 'More' menu
- A potential camera upload issue and the enumerating photos crash were fixed
- Better error message management for proxy settings errors
- We also improved device metadata logging of errors to better leverage learnings
3.0.614.514 - 26/09/2016
- If the new version is available an update reminder will pop up
- Introducing a custom player to play audio files
- From now on you can decide whether you want to add an expiration date to file links
- Option to detect and log out of memory events
- Backend improvement of user's first Tresor's management
- Notification improvements to customers who's credit card expired
3.0.590.504 - 29/08/2016
- New feature: French and Hungarian languages
- Pin Tresors as favorites
Minimum OS requirement iOS 8 (29/08/2016)
2.1.552.482 - 13/07/2016
- New feature: Spanish language
- Localization improvements for non-English languages
- Automatically leave Tresors if the user is removed or someone deletes the Tresor
- Remove support for old encrypted link version
- Updated SQLite to 3.13.0
- Updated cURL to 7.49.1
- Performance and synchronization improvements
2.1.524.462 - 26/05/2016
- Small onboarding-related improvements
- Text editor improvements to edit .md files
- Performance improvements and bugfixes
2.1.510.450 - 27/04/2016
- Introducing a timeout in case of 10 failed passcode attempt
- Blogpost intro notification
- Performance improvements and bugfixes
2.1.493.442 - 01/04/2016
- Support for Live photos
- Performance improvements and bugfixes
2.1.488.440 - 24/03/2016
- Tresor owners can transfer their permission to another member
- A message will appear if there is no internet connection
- Camera upload will upload multiple photos at once
- Fixed video playback on iOS 9
- Performance improvements and bugfixes
2.1.479.438 - 11/03/2016
- Files larger than 400 MB can now be downloaded
2.1.473.435 - 10/03/2016
- New feature: Rename Tresors
- Save files securely in the cloud directly from Safari
- Smaller app size
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
2.1.466.431 - 01/03/2016
- Photos extension
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
2.1.455.425 - 18/02/2016
- Performance improvements and bugfixes
2.1.437.410 - 14/01/2016
- 3D touch quick actions
- Fixed encrypted link creation close to max date limit
- Improved 'exclude from backup' handling
- Fixed offline syncing when adding new item to offline and also checking for updates
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
2.1.433.409 - 07/01/2016
- View previous versions of a file (Premium and Business users)
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
2.1.422.403 - 10/12/2015
- iPad Pro support
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
2.1.412.397 - 01/12/2015
- New feature: Rename files
- New feature: Copy and move files within Tresors
- Stability and performance improvements
2.1.404.397 - 18/11/2015
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
2.1.395.384 - 06/11/2015
- Open encrypted links and invitation links directly in Tresorit (iOS 9 only)
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
2.1.366.363 - 10/09/2015
- Tresor migration in on
- Longer passcode enabled
- Delete data after 10 failed passcode attempts
- Automatically show passcode after 3 minutes idle time
- Improved landscape mode on iPhone
2.1.360.354 - 11/08/2015
- Improved viewer for DRM-protected files
- Smoother and quicker login process
- Smaller bugfixes and performance improvements
2.1.354.346 - 01/08/2015
- New feature: German language
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
2.1.348.342 - 23/07/2015
- Creates Tresors in new format
- New feature: Invitation links
- Sorting in the file list
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
2.1.330.331 - 30/06/2015
- Thumbnails for JPG pictures
- Compatibility with Tresors in new format
- file details (size and modification date) are displayed
- Advanced options (expiry date, password) for encrypted links (Business users only)
2.0.313.324 - 28/05/2015
- Create and edit TXT and other text files
2.0.304.324 - 15/05/2015
- Tresor link support
- Updated cURL (7.42.1)
- Bugfixes - 09/05/2015
- Photo taking and direct upload to Tresorit without storing locally
- Option to upload photos from iCloud - 04/05/2015
- Cancel upload/download process
- Improved offline feedback
- Improved camera upload error handling
- Password change improvements if 2-step verifications is enabled - 22/04/2015
- 64-bit support
- Camera upload from iCloud
- Bugfixes - 31/03/2015
- Camera upload improvements
- Improved crash reporting
- iOS 8.2 SDK - 20/03/2015
- Background Camera upload feature added
- Compatibility with encrypted links in new format - 12/03/2015
- Offline Tresors and folder support
- Using sync filters for offline
- Bugfixes - 09/02/2015
- Landscape support on iPhone
- Multiselect feature for files
- New file icons - 27/01/2015
- Major redesign for iOS 8
- Bugfixes
1.0.222 – 02/01/2015
- Open DRM-protected files
- iOS 6 crash fixed
- Fixed iPad logout after downloading images
- Favorit fixes
1.0.211 - 12/06/2014
- New Basic user limits supported
- Cell swipe optimization
- Crash fixes
- Registration fixes
1.0.202 - 16/11/2014
- GUI supports all the policy conflicts
- Devices can be unlinked remotely
- 2-step verification supported
- Touch ID supported
- Download file fixes
- Crash fixes
1.0.190 - 04/11/2014
- Performance improvements
- Upload images refactored
- Splash screen update
- Offline swipe fixed
1.0.176 - 11/09/2014
- iPhone 6 icons
- Performance improvements
- iOS 8 support
- Tresor loading fixed
- Verification icon fixed
- Full screen pictures are not full screen fixed
- Mark as offline improvements
1.0.161 - 25/07/2014
- Stability improvements
- Minor memory management fixes
- Upload uploaded the picture to the root folder fixed
- Better offline files handling
- Invite icon fixed
1.0.135 - 09/07/2014
- Stability improvements
- Encrypted link fix & enhancements
- Fixed missing image on iPad
- Minor UI fixes mainly on iPad
- Fixed tutorial view on every platform
- Faster APU when uploading newly created file
1.0.107 - 16/06/2014
- APU (Auto Photo Upload) status bar is now invisible when there's nothing to upload
- Photo permission fixed
- Speed improvements - 08/04/2014
- New verification screen
- Faster verification - 28/03/2014
- Activity wall
- Separator in empty folder
- Crash when you tried to open a favorited file that was already deleted
- Minor fixes on UI - 07/03/2014
- Typo fixed
- Wrong member view color fixed - 06/03/2014
- Feedback during an invitation
- Encrypted link receiver fixed - 25/02/2014
- The shared link can be copied - 24/02/2014
- New sign up form with better password handling
- UI fixes - 14/02/2014
- UI bugs fixed
- Photo upload, Open in crashes on iOS 6 fixed
- Sign up works again - 13/02/2014
- New folder can be created in a Tresor after update again - 06/02/2014
- Stability update especially on file viewer - 06/02/2014
- Start photo upload from Tresor view (iPad as well)
- Timestamp on photo upload bug fixed
- Unlink bug fixed - 05/02/2014
- Start photo upload from Tresor view (iPhone only)
- Minor iPad UI bugfixes
- Gallery viewer stability improvements
- Show the number of selected photos
- Share this Tresor fixed
- Open an uploaded image crash fixed - 24/01/2014
- Encrypted link receiver
- First version of photo upload
- Texting on share screen - 20/01/2014
- New slim icons (iOS 7 alike)
- After the file is downloaded, opened and cleared from cache, a download error is generated when opening the file
- Multiple fixes on viewer
- Fixes of displaying images in portrait mode - 15/01/2014
- Repairing Tresors in repairable state with delay
- Selecting a favorite and then deleted file crashes
- Scrolling bug fixed - 18/12/2013
- User’s role displayed
- Right buttons can be touched on a larger area
- Minor stability and bugfixes - 17/12/2013
- Cell swipes back if there is another cell swipe
- Favorites fixed
- 'Choose this' was renamed to 'Upload here'
- Delete button fixed on passcode change
- Invitation bug fixed - 16/12/2013
- New password validation
- Delete on swipe
- Get link on swipe
- Last Tresor can be selected on iPad upload - 28/11/2013
- 'Tell friends about Tresorit' opens the referral page
- iOS 6 cell coloring fixed - 27/11/2013
- Unlink device is now red
- Default proxy is auto
- iPad file selection background changed
- Multiple selecting bug fixed
- 5 is in the middle of the passcode screen
- Last file crash fixed - 25/11/2013
- Some icons available in retina
- Reader is not able to create folder
- Updated UI
- Proxy label fixed - 22/11/2013
- Proxy
- 'Open in' bug fixed
- Zoom fixed for photo swipe - 21/11/2013
- iPad shows opened file in the file list
- iPad enables last photos to swipe after restart
- Favorites open file fixed
- Better no network indication
- Better upload process - 20/11/2013
- Not uploaded folder is fixed
- Photo swipe issues fixed
- File upload appears in the middle of the screen on iPad - 19/11/2013
- iPhone/iPad file upload
- Passcode delete button
- Delete/leave Tresor on swipe
- Warning if new Tresor could not be created
- After successful signup, the first Tresor will be created - 12/11/2013
- Add Tresor
- Add folder
- Photo swipe
- Minor bugfixes - 08/11/2013
- iPhone vibrates on passcode error
- Settings, Legal & Privacy fixed
- Passcode font fixed for iOS 6
- File is removed from favorites when deleted from the cloud
- File indicates if there is no internet connection - 07/11/2013
- Passcode lock
- Enable/disable anonym log sending - 06/11/2013
- No internet connection is shown
- Minor bugfixes on iOS 7 - 25/10/2013
- Login button is visible
- Minor log out bug fixed - 23/10/2013
- Downloads continue in background
- File cannot be deleted with reader permission - 18/10/2013
- Members back swipe
- Favorites link updates fixed
- File operation on iPad fixed
- Favorites are disabled fixed - 17/10/2013
- New app icon
- New enter/full screen icons
- Empty favorites displayed properly
- Member icons fixed (also on retina)
- Using <1MB at Tresor sizes
- Navigation bar is transparent if image is shown
- Device sleep is disabled while any download is in progress - 16/10/2013
- No more shadow on navigation bar
- Relocating Tresors
- Updating favorites if needed - 15/10/2013
- Reachability API to detect Wifi/3G/unreachable connections
- Default Tresor after verification
- Back button centered vertically
- Pull to refresh works on members screen - 14/10/2013
- iPad stops the download on new file if it wasn’t favorite, status indication fixed
- iPad navigation bar is hidden if no file is displayed
- Invite view is fixed - 11/10/2013
- Not uploaded files handled
- Delete files
- File names in the navigation bar
- Logout cleans the previous session
- Progress bar fixed - 08/10/2013
- iPad layout under progress
- Minor bugfixes - 24/09/2013
- Batch download
- Favorites icons change
- iPad login, register, verification
- Minor bugfixes - 21/09/2013
- Favorites are sorted
- Favorites indicated with icon
- Downloading file can be stopped
- Favorite/unfavorite during download
- Minor bugfixes - 19/09/2013
- Favorite file
- Icons are smaller in Tresor list
- Texts are aligned vertically to center in file browser - 18/09/2013
- User should confirm before logging out
- Cache size displayed
- Remove cached files
- Feedback email body changed
- Reload Tresors crash fixed
- Legal & Privacy fits the screen - 17/09/2013
- New share screen design
- Change user permissions
- Invite users to Tresors
- App name is ‘Tresorit’ instead of ‘Tresorit iOS’ - 15/09/2013
- Autologin is on
- New file icons & folder icons
- Remove cached files
- When inputs are focused on logout the offset is right now
- Not downloaded files handled
- Fired or deleted Tresor displayed normal