Direct file open enables you to open and edit files directly from your Tresorit app — even if the file is in a folder that’s not syncing at the moment. If you edit a file from Tresorit, changes you make will be saved to the cloud automatically.
Direct File Open with Tresorit Drive 2.0
We have integrated the DFO feature into Tresorit Drive 2.0. Activating DFO separately is only necessary if you have not yet performed this upgrade.
How to enable Direct File Open when using Tresorit Drive 1.0
📝 Note: Direct file open works on files that are under 48 MB.
- Windows
- Mac
- Open Tresorit.
- Navigate to
- Click Advanced.
Toggle the switch next to Direct file open.
- Open Tresorit.
- Navigate to
- Click Advanced.
Toggle the switch next to Direct file open.
- Tresorit will ask you to install FUSE on your computer.
📝 Note: With FUSE, we can connect your Tresorit files to your Finder, giving you direct access to data stored in the cloud.
How long are temp files stored on Windows?
Tresorit Drive 2.0
Your ten most recently accessed files are temporarily stored in your profile folder until you close the application. Additionally, Tresorit maintains a cache of up to 1000 files for a period of one day. This means that any file you have not opened within the last 24 hours will be automatically removed from the cache.
Tresorit Drive 1.0
Tresorit won’t cache files even if you are using direct file open; however, Windows does. These temp files are stored for 60 seconds by default.
This is a computer-wide setting and can be changed in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\MRxDAV\Parameters\FileNotFoundCacheLifeTimeInSec
How long are temp files stored on Mac?
Under macOS 11+
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