If you received a link with offensive or inappropriate content in Tresorit, you can report it to us through our Contact page or by following the steps below.
How to report abuse in Tresorit
- Open the download page of the link you’d like to report.
- Click Report abuse on the bottom of the page.
- Enter your email in the form so we can contact you later (this is optional).
- Enter the URL you'd like to report. If the link is password-protected, you can also share the password here.
- Select the type of abuse you're reporting.
- Click Send now.
This is one of our means to detect abuse among other measures that identify abnormal usage, which we do not disclose for security reasons. None of these measures involve scanning the contents of unencrypted files, as we do not have access to such content stored by our customers. As outlined in section 16.2 of our Terms of Service Tresorit reserves the right to terminate the service for any customer if Tresorit reasonably believes that the Services are being used by Customer or its Users in violation of applicable law, or continued use of the Services by Customer (or its Company Administered Users) creates legal risk for Tresorit or presents a threat to the security of the Services or other customers.
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