Find documents and folders quickly using the Search bar. You can search in file and folder names and extensions (like .docx, .jpg, or .ppt).
Search in file names and extensions
- Windows
- Mac
- iOS
- Android
- Open Tresorit.
- Navigate to your
All Files tab.
- Click on the
Search bar.
- Enter a search term.
- Open Tresorit.
- Navigate to your
All Files tab.
- Click on the
Search bar.
- Enter a search term.
- Open Tresorit.
- Navigate to your
All Files tab.
- Tap on the
Search bar at the top.
- Enter a search term.
- Open Tresorit.
- Navigate to your
All Files tab.
- Tap on the
Search icon at the top.
- Enter a search term.
Search file contents in Tresorit
As of now, you can use your computer’s file browser to search your files' content in synced folders. However, Tresorit won’t look into your files’ content even if you search for something.
💡 Why is that? Search is based on indexing: search engines regularly scan items and log their properties and content to catalogs. Your Tresorit files are stored in the cloud in an encrypted format, therefore we can’t run indexing on our servers. On the other hand, indexing the content of your files in your Tresorit client would greatly impact your computer’s performance.
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